

My Amazing Works

Check out some of my projects with creative ideas.

  • Python

    Markov Chain Surrogate Substitution for De-Identification of Clinical Notes

    A Markov chain-based approach for de-identifying patient names in clinical notes, developed to evaluate PHI leakage under varying False Negative Rates. This project compares the Markov method with Consistent and Random Substitution strategies. The methodology focuses on using the Markov chain approach to replace patient names in clinical notes with surrogate names in a way that minimizes the risk of re-identification, especially when NER systems miss some PHI.

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  • Python

    Parametric Equations Shells Modeling

    Shells found in nature, such as those from mollusks, exhibit fascinating geometric patterns. These patterns can be represented mathematically using parametric equations. This project uses parametric equations to model and visualize the 3D structure of various shell types. By adjusting parameters such as radius, amplitude, and growth factor, we can reproduce the intricate designs of these natural mollusk shells.

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  • Python/ CNN

    Binary Image Classification using CNN

    Developed a deep learning model using Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for gender classification from facial images. The model is designed to predict whether an input image contains a man or a woman. The process involves extracting the face from the image using Haar Cascade, and the model then makes predictions based on the facial features. Achieved a validation accuracy of 83.63%.

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  • Python/ ML

    Malware and Malicious URLS Detection using Machine Learning

    A Machine Learning-based application that detects Malicious URL and Malware using trained models. The model is trained on a large dataset of known malicious URLs and malware samples to learn their characteristics and patterns. When a new URL or executable file is inputted into the application, the model analyzes it and predicts whether it's malicious or not. The application is designed to provide an efficient and effective way to protect against cyber threats and ensure online safety.

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  • Python/ ML

    Telecom Churn Rate Prediction using Machine Learning

    A Machine Learning-based application that predicts the churn rate of telecom customers. The model is trained on a dataset of customer information, including demographics, usage behavior, and other factors that may influence their decision to switch to another provider. Using this information, the model predicts the likelihood of a customer churning and provides insights into the factors that contribute to customer churn. The application is designed to help telecom companies reduce customer churn and increase customer retention by identifying and addressing the root causes of churn.

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    Wrestle Article

    A static website designed for articles, discussions, and memes related to wrestling. Created during the COVID lockdown and serverd as a fun project to start a front-end journey with. Showcases basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript skills. The website allows users to read articles and join in discussions about wrestling, as well as browse through a collection of wrestling-related memes.

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  • C++

    Classic Pong Game

    A simple yet engaging implementation of the iconic Pong game in C++ from scratch. Explore the source code to understand the game mechanics, graphics rendering, and player controls. Created during a period of lockdown, this project showcases the power of coding and creativity during challenging times. To run the game, simply execute the Game2.exe file.

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  • streamlit

    Academic Performance Monitor

    A web app built to monitor my academic performance across multiple semesters. It includes interactive bar charts and line charts to show my performance accross Enginering Semesters. The app also includes a feature to upload your own CSV file with your academic data, allowing you to visualiaze your academic performance over multiple semesters.

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  • streamlit

    IOE Aggregate Percentage Calculator

    A convenient and user-friendly application built using Streamlit, designed specifically for students in the Bachelor of Computer Engineering (BCT) program at the Institute of Engineering (IOE). It is a time-saving app that simplifies the process of calculating aggregate percentages for IOE BCT students. By considering the institution's grading system, it eliminates the need for manual calculations and provides instant results.

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  • python

    Simple Tkinter App for Encryption and Decryption

    A simple Encryption and Decryption app built using tkinter library in Python. This application allows you to encrypt and decrypt text messages using a simple encryption algorithm. A great tool to learn about encryption principles and have some fun encrypting and decrypting messages. Whether you want to send secret messages to your friends or simply explore the world of Cryptography, this app is an ideal starting point.

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  • python

    Tkinter Weather App

    A simple application built with Tkinter that provides current weather information for a given location. It fetches data from a weather API and displays the temperature and time of the entered city.

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